Sub-Project 2: Promoting Research in Spiritual and Religious Competencies in Clinical Training
Stetson University
Jesse Fox (Sub-Project PI)
Joe Currier
Cassandra Vieten
Advisory Board
An Advisory Board has been assembled to make recommendations and advise awardees throughout the course of their projects.
Learn more about them here.
Sub-Project 2 will catalyze research in R/S competencies and generate empirically supported resources, tools, and methods for equipping students/trainees with skills to address R/S aspects of clients’ lives. In so doing, this sub-project will increase options for clinical training that a practicum/internship programs could viably incorporate in supervision, didactics, and other activities.
Clinical training in practicum and internship settings is the signature pedagogy in fostering acquisition of clinical skills in mental health graduate and post-graduate programs
R/S competencies are rarely included in clinical training in a systematic or formal manner across psychology, social work, counseling, and MFT programs
Absence of assessment tools and empirically supported training methods are key barriers to promoting skill-based competencies in addressing R/S in clinical practice
Research has not examined a range of questions for establishing a scientific basis for clinical training in R/S competencies, including:
What are effective methods of measuring R/S competencies?
What are best methods and practices for promoting acquisition of R/S competencies in clinical training?
To what extent does R/S competence actually improve outcomes and client functioning in clinical settings?
$1,153,150 over the three-year period to support a Request for Funding Proposal (RFP) grant competition
Partner with and fund 12-15 clinician-scientists from psychology, social work, counseling, and marriage and family therapy
Maximum funding approvals up to $120,000 USD with an average award amount of $77,000 USD across 12-15 independent projects
Projects will address one or more of these priorities:
Validation of assessment tools, techniques, and/or measures of R/S competencies that are robust indicators of clinician competence
Development and evaluation of high-impact clinical training practices in R/S competence
Examining the role of R/S competencies in client outcomes, feasibility, and/or clinical processes
Investigators will also:
Include longitudinal assessments, randomized controlled trials, and/or practice-based evidence designs
Tie development of practical tools/resources from assessment/training to the assessment of clinical outputs, feasibility outputs, and client outputs
Identify and develop a training tool, technique, method and/or tangible measure for influencing or assessing R/S competencies to enhance training and future research in R/S competence
Pre-register their projects on the Open Science Framework, and all results, datasets, tools/instruments will be open-source
Attend two-day investigator meeting at project start and three-day capstone conference held at Stetson University to catalyze a new research community
Contribute a chapter to the “Handbook of Spiritual and Religious Competencies in Mental Health Professions”
Anticipated Outcomes
• Empirically supported resources, tools, and methods for equipping students with skills to address R/S dimensions of clients’ lives
• Diverse options for clinical training that practicum and internship programs can viably incorporate in supervision and didactics
• Further establishment of a science of training in R/S integration via addressing questions regarding the definition, measurement, and utility and validity of R/S competencies
• Synergize and inspire a community of clinician-investigators to continue to partner together in clinical research in R/S competency training beyond the funding period
Spiritual and Religious Competence in Mental Health Care Panel Discussion
Hosted by Stetson University
Funded by the John Templeton Foundation
Dr. Jesse Fox, Principle Investigator | Stetson University
Dr. Ralph Piedmont, Managing Director | Center for Professional Studies
Dr. Altaf Husain, Associate Professor | Howard University
Dr. Jesse Owen, Professor | University of Denver
Dr. Janeé Avent Harris, Associate Professor | East Carolina University
Dr. Lisa Miller, Professor | Columbia University
Dr. Steven J. Sandage, Albert and Jessie Danielsen Professor of Psychology of Religion and Theology | Boston University